Call for posters Confiance.ai Days
Want to showcase your research on trusted AI? Apply for the Confiance.ai Days call for posters to display and present your poster to the public on October 5, during the poster session!
This poster session allows successful applicants to post late-breaking results, technical descriptions, preliminary research contributions, work-in-progress and student projects. It will also be an opportunity to discuss with an expert audience of scientists and engineers from the Confiance.ai program partners.
Important Dates
- Poster submission deadline: June 17, 2022
- Notification of acceptance: July 13, 2022
- Poster session: October 5 and 6, 2022
The call for posters
Posters may cover preliminary or exploratory work as part of the Confiance.ai program or present any other research likely to generate discussion. Posters are particularly encouraged in the following themes:
- Characterization of trust
- Operational Domain
- Data for Trustworthy AI
- Robustness
- Monitoring
- Explainability
- Trustworthy human-computer interaction
- Embedded trustworthy AI
- Trustworthy AI Engineering
Information for poster authors
- Documents must be sent in PDF format to posters.confiance.ai@irt-systemx.fr
- Poster submissions should be presented in a two- to four-page document beginning with a title, list of authors, and a four-line abstract for the conference program
- Applications will be examined by the program committee made up of members of the “Confiance.ai scientific animation working group”
- Authors of accepted posters are required to print their own poster in A0 format and bring it to the venue
- The authors will present their posters for two minutes in front of all the participants of the Confiance.ai Days
Useful documents: