6 mars
13h-14h | Accueil café & démo tour
14h – 14h20 | Ouverture
Juliette Mattioli, Expert senior, Thales
14h20 – 14h40 | Présentation générale du batch 3 et introduction des villages
14h40 – 15h20 | Présentation détaillée du batch 3, leads et co-leads des projets
15h20 – 16h | Pause & démo tour
16h – 16h45 | Présentation détaillée des outils et méthodes
- Transfert des résultats issus du programme Confiance.ai au sein de l’environnement de Sopra Steria, Ingrid Fiquet, Sopra Steria
- Conception de systèmes pour l’usage prévu des systèmes basés sur l’IA, Christophe Bohn, IRT SystemX
- Conformité aux standards, Georges Jamous, Airbus Protect
16h45 – 17h15 | Pause & démo tour
17h15 – 18h | Présentation détaillée des outils et méthodes
- Densité d’entropie de représentation latente pour la détection des changements de distribution, Ansgar Radermarcher, CEA
- Valeur ajoutée des modèles d’IA avec quantification d’incertitude pour la surveillance des séries temporelles, Kevin Pasini, IRT SystemX
- Propriétés et scores de confiance, Henri Sohier, IRT SystemX et Juliette Mattioli, Thales Group
18h – 18h15 | Mot de clôture
Zoom sur les objectifs de fin de programme
- Loic Cantat, IRT SystemX
Signature du MoU avec le Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montréal (CRIM)
- Françoys Labonté, directeur général, CRIM
- Paul Labrogère, directeur général, IRT SystemX
- Frédéric Tremblay, premier conseiller aux affaires politiques et à la coopération à la délégation générale du Québec à Paris
18h30 | Soirée dédiée aux partenaires au Quai de la photo, (-10 minutes à pied du Ministère de l’Économie et des Finances) avec balade en bateaux sur la Seine.
7 mars
8:00am – 9:00am | Welcome coffee & demo tour
9:00am – 9:20am | Official opening
9:20am – 9:40am | Trustworthiness as a pillar of AI adoption in industry
The floor is given to the program partners: what value does the adoption of AI bring to the industry? What challenges do they still need to address? What impact does the program have on their businesses?
• Bernhard Quendt, Chief Technical Officer, Thales
• Mohammed Sijelmassi, Chief Technical Officer, Sopra Steria
• Baladji Soussilane, Vice President, Digital and IT Group, Air Liquide
9:40am – 10:00am | Industrial AI toward 2030: trustworthiness beyond Confiance.ai
Confiance.ai will come to an end in 2024. Take a closer look at the program’s outcomes and follow-ups.
10:00am – 10:30am | Keynote speech : Responsible AI, a key lever to bring confidence in AI
Anne Bouverot, Co-Chair of the French Government’s IA Commission – Chair of the board of École Normale Supérieure (ENS) – Co-founder, Fondation Abeona – Board Director at a number of technology and media companies
10:30am – 11:10am | Break & demo tour
11:10am – 12:00am | International collaborations on trustworthy AI
Australia, United Kingdom, Quebec, Germany: overview of the international ecosystem of trustworthy AI.
• Responsible AI Engineering in the ERA of Generative AI, Qinghua Lu, Team Leader/ Responsible AI Science Team, CSIRO’s Data61, CSIRO
• AI quality assessments: Current status und future challenges, Maximilian Poretschkin, Director of the AI Certification Project, Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS
• Safe.trAIn- Safe AI for driverless regional trains, Thomas Waschulzik, R&D Manager Siemens Mobility GmbH, Siemens
• Confiance IA: Trustworthy Ai in Quebec, Marie-Pierre Habas-Gérard, Chief Executive Officer, Confiance IA
12:00am – 1:00pm | Deep dive on technologies and methods
15 minutes talks on key technologies, methods and results developed by Confiance.ai over the past four years.
• End-to-end engineering approach, Boris Robert, Process and methodology” project co-leader, Research engineer, Confiance.ai, IRT Saint Exupéry
• Browsing the Method and the Results, Fabien Tschirhart, « Federating base » project leader, Confiance.ai, Research & Technology Coordinator, IRT SystemX
• End-to-end results
• How Confiance.ai is adressing Aeronautics Regulation Framework?
1:00pm – 2:30pm | Lunch break & demo tour
2:30pm – 3:30pm | Deep dive on technologies and methods
• Combining robustness, monitoring, and uncertainty quantification, Martin Gonzalez, Research scientist, Leader action sheet “RUM – Robustness, Uncertainty, Monitoring”, IRT SystemX – Confiance.ai
• Towards a methodology for synthetic data generation, domain gap characterization and mitigation, Amélie Bosca, Data Scientist, Sopra Steria
• Benchmark of use case explainability through the Kaa component, Philippe Dejean, « Characterization and qualification of trustworthy AI » project co-leader, Research engineer, Confiance.ai, IRT Saint Exupéry
• Metamorphic testing on industrial applications with AIMOS, Augustin Lemesle, Research engineer, CEA List
3:30pm – 4:00pm | Keynote speech: Safe AI at CARIAD
Peter Schlicht, head of « Safe AI and AI Innovations », CARIAD (Volkswagen)
4:00pm – 4:30pm | International collaborations on trustworthy AI
• RAI UK: Creating an International Ecosystem for Responsible AI Research and Innovation, Shoaib Ehsan, Co-Investigator / Associate Professor of Computer Science, RAI UK / University of Southampton
• CERTAIN: The European Center for Trusted AI, Dr. André Meyer-Vitali, Senior Researcher, DFKI
4:30pm – 5:10pm | Break & demo tour
5:10pm – 5:40pm | Norms and standards: current status and future challenges
Norms and standards: where are we now? What are the next challenges? What are the contributions of Confiance.ai regarding this matter?
• Antoine Alexandre André, Policy and legal officer, European Commission, DG CNECT (A.2), Commission européenne
• Tom Lebrun, Ph. D., Standards Council of Canada Lead on AI and Data Standardization
5:40pm – 6:25pm | The future challenges of trustworthy AI
Hybrid AI, safety, cybersecurity, or ethics: spotlight on some of the upcoming challenges to address in developing trustworthy AI in industry.
• Challenge of understanding operational context of AI for trustworthiness, Gereon Weiss, Head of department Automation Systems, Fraunhofer IKS
• Industrial AI deployment challenges, Fabien Mangeant, President, Codir Confiance.ai, Digital Scientific Director, Air Liquide
• AI Engineering Challenges, Dr. André Meyer-Vitali, Senior researcher, DFKI
• Embedded AI, Pierre Gaillard, Embedded AI Program Manager, CEA-List
• AI’s carbon footprint is bigger than you think, Brigitte Jaumard, Scientific director, Confiance IA
• Assistance game and red lines, Stuart Russell, Professor of Computer Science, UC Berkeley
• AI Safety : An Engineering Perspective, Foutse Khomh, Professor at Polytechnique Montréal, Canada CIFAR AI Chair at MILA, Canada, Confiance.ai
• The Critical Role of AI Ethics in Building Trust and Enhancing Innovation, Enrico Panai, AI Ethicists, Association of AI Ethicists & CEN CENELEC JTC21
• Responsible Innovation (RI) Prompts and Practice Cards, Dr Pepita Barnard, Research Fellow Responsible AI, RAI-UK, Horizon Research Institute, Computer Science, University of Nottingham, UK
6:25pm – 6:45pm | Closing speech
6:45pm – 8:00pm | Closing cocktail